Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Friday

Last week I had a terrible week at work. I mean terrible! Everyday I got up and thought today is going to be different, I can do this. Well everyday it wasn't different, so by Friday I was completely miserable. Friday morning I decided I was going to treat myself and get a Strawberries and Cream Smoothie at Strabucks on my way into work.

So I went to the drive thru and waited in the drive thru line for like 15 minutes because ya know it"s starbucks. When I got up to the window to pay and get my drink, the guy working gave me smoothie, and when I tried to give him my money he said "Don't worry about it, It's on the house. Happy Friday!" I don't know if I came across as a total Debbie Downer when I ordered my drink or what. I was trying to be nice even though I was grouchy. Anyway, it was just really nice. My day still completely sucked, but just not quite as much as the day before.


eclaires said...

Dear Debbie Downer,

Don't be too depressed because eclaires loves you! But I certainly understand bad days (weeks, months...). I hope everything begins to perk up a bit. Just think of me. I know that will do the trick. And how cool that he just gave it to you for free. How random was that?? Love it. And love you.


P.S. I miss you.

Nicole said...

Uh, Okay. Maybe you should act sad EVERY Friday at different Starbucks locations! Milk it!

Mindy said...

its cause you're hot!