Monday, January 5, 2009

ENCORE- Isn't She Lovely?

Encore is finally open! Well actually it's been open for about 3 weeks, I'm just behind on blogging. Isn't it pretty? Our Grand Opening isn't until Jan 24th, but it feels so great to be done. This hotel has taken over my life and many other's lives for the last 6 months. Before the resort opened to the public we got to go eat at all the restaurants and some people stayed int he suites. Everything was wonderful. All our stores look beautiful! I feel so lucky to be involved with such a huge project even if was in such a small way. I am really happy to have my life back too :) This week things have finally gone back to pre encore normalcy.


eclaires said...

I just keep singing the Miss America song. :)

Glad you're not going to be as busy and stressed.

Nicole said...

You're like a rockstar! I guess you have an excuse for not being around too much! You've probably achieved more in the last year than I could even sit down and try and imagine! And all I'm doing is growin' a baby! ;o)